February 23-25
Friday 6:00 – 8:30 PM
Level 1 Saturday 9 AM-5:30 PM
Level 2 Sunday 9 AM – 2 PM
Course Description
What is getting in the way of being healthy and happy?
What is keeping many of us from reaching our fullest potential?
Discover effective tools for freeing the energy necessary to learn, engage and enjoy life.
This 16-hour course teaches the Foundations and Applications of HANDLE through the lens of an array of life and learning challenges, affecting young children to elderly. Follow founder Judith Bluestone’s process to develop theories on Attention and Autism and begin to see behaviors as communication with new “HANDLE eyes”.
Discover the interconnected relationship of nutrition, neurophysiology, healthy movement and more. Students will learn unique HANDLE activities and will explore how the activities can be applied and adapted to support individuals with a wide range of ages, sensitivities, and challenges. No one is too old for HANDLE.
HANDLE is a unique, gentle, non-drug movement therapy that is beneficial for individuals of all ages and abilities.
Level 1 offers an overview of the HANDLE paradigm, and Gentle Enhancement® including instruction in some unique HANDLE activities.
Level 2 builds upon the Level 1 with an in-depth look at sensory processing systems. Students learn more activities and different applications for a variety of presenting concerns.
For more information, see flyer here.
Advanced Registration Required
Suggested Contribution:
Friday Night only $20
None for this course. (Level 1 is required before Level 2.)
To register contact the instructor:
Elizabeth Frishkoff at 413-528-0477 or efrish@sover.net
Elizabeth Frishkoff, MSW, Certified HANDLE Practitioner and Instructor, has been working with the HANDLE approach for 25 years in clinical, school and home-based settings. From preschool students to nursing home residents, she serves clients with a wide range of life and learning challenges.